Giving roses makes someone feel loved, appreciated and important. We all know this so why don't we do it more often? If you're looking for a good excuse to send roses to someone special in your life, here are some great occasions for giving flowers and some suggestions on the perfect roses to give:
A wedding is a major event in someone's life. Remembering a special day like this with roses will make your significant other half beam with joy. This will show how much you appreciate being together and will as well signify your undying love. Traditionally, red roses are given to symbolize love, although you could substitute her (or his) favorite flower type instead.
Valentines' Day
This day is not just for married couples but for anyone in a relationship. Roses are usually given along with boxes of chocolates to show love and care for your sweethearts. Roses are the usual kinds given but you may vary your choices but bouquets of colorful roses also work well, too.
Mother's Day
Giving your mother roses would definitely make her feel loved and appreciated. Great choices would be roses to show how much she means to you. Mother's Day is one of the most popular of the great occasions for giving rose flowers.
Graduation or Promotion
To show how proud and happy you are for the success of your loved one in his or her career or education, you may give stargazer lilies which symbolize ambition or alstromeria to show aspiration. Stephanotis is also a good choice because it symbolizes good luck.
Among the other great occasions for giving roses are birthdays. If you have a person close to you who seems to have everything, roses could be the perfect gift. Have them delivered to the birthday person's place of employment or home for an extra surprise. Bouquets of almost any combination of colorful roses are a great choice and work well with the addition of a "Happy Birthday" balloon.
Birth of a New Baby
One of the most celebrated occasions in a family's life is the arrival of a new baby. You can celebrate this wonderful event by sending roses. You can choose pink or blue roses, depending on the gender of the new baby, combined with delicate baby's breath to create a lovely bouquet. Having these delivered to the new parents while they are still in the hospital or as soon as they return home is a nice idea, too.
Although not one of the great occasions for giving roses because of the sadness associated with the loss, the people you care about will appreciate this expression of sympathy and compassion. Any type of white roses would be a good choice. Chrysanthemums are a common bereavement flower, too.
Roses can be a gift on their own or a nice compliment to a gift basket. There are many different types of roses, in different combinations all expressing different feelings. Send roses - Obviously there are some traditional combinations like the red roses bouquet to express your love. A rich bunch of roses and a chocolate gift basket will really melt her heart.
How to find the best deals.
• Spend a few minutes or so searching for promotional codes and coupons and you can save some cash, or even get a few stems or a vase for free.
• Most online florists will send you a coupon code or special offer when you sign up for their rewards clubs or email listings. As you are using the internet this is easy and quick to do.
• Order before the mad rush and you should receive a discount.
• Consider sending less traditional flowers. Roses fetch a premium for Valentines Day.
How to choose the perfect flowers.
• Most women have a favorite scent that they wear most of the time, as well as a favorite color for their clothes. Try to match the flowers to the scent or color. Color is probably easier because in the main flowers are forced for certain markets and the sheer quantities required.
• Try also to match the flowers to the personality type. Fashionable types would probably enjoy bold, striking colors.
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